During the lockdown we decided to create a Facebook quiz to entertain our friends and in all honesty, ourselves.
It proved really popular and we had a brilliant time coming up with themes, “fake” adverts and things to go along with it.
We always included a picture round so for our last quiz we decided to re-create famous album covers but with Roy’s face in place of the artist, the idea was to name the album and original artist.
I literally couldn’t stop laughing when we presented it and our mates absolutely loved it. So much so that we decided to try and produce a calendar for 2021 and donate any proceeds to a local charity.
We’ve always supported our local community hub at Pop Recs Ltd. They’ve provided a gallery for local artists, a gig venue for a wide variety of bands and a home for loads of groups include a book club, a local community choir and our sewing and knitting collective Bitch & Stitch. They are also a great coffee shop!
Unfortunately before and during lockdown their premises have been burgled and vandalised numerous times so with the blessing of head Pop Recs bloke Dave Harper we are going to go ahead with the calendar and donate the profits to getting Pop Recs back and running. They’ve supported us, it’s time to give a bit back. This is one of the images from our now infamous picture round. It still has me in creases.