

Duration of the project is 3 months but we have an option with the Council
to continue with new intakes on a rolling basis lasting 5 years.
We are looking for SPONSORSHIP to cover Printing and 
Social Media marketing and advertising for a project involving 
14 Artists for 86 Bus Shelter Panels around the Durham area.

We understand your logo will only be 5% coverage on the
billboard, but we believe this is a great opportunity to be involved
in an exciting and inspirational Art project. It will enhance both the
urban areas and provide a platform for Artist’s to show their work.

  • Your Brand logo on every poster with no other logo apart from “artstops.”
  • A selection of Panel designs for the Brand’s offices, unframed.
  • Your Brand logo on the cover of all printed event materials and Artstops online marketing.
  • 12 Social media posts per month
  • Possible exhibition at your premises
  • Key interviews with Artist’s involved with the project, podcast’s, video,
    zoom interviews for your Brand’s content on Social media
  • Your Brand is not obligated to carry on after the first three months.

Please fill in the form below if you are interested in the project: